Kayla Lair Coaching

create a

life you’re

obsessed with

Working with me can help you:

Set boundaries • Overcome people pleasing • Worry less about what others think of you

• Have better relationships • Build self trust • Be your own bff

Become the version of you that you’ve been dreaming of

I work with clients 1:1 to create impactful and lasting change.

With a down-to-earth and non-judgmental personality, I create a safe and supportive space for you to ​explore your thoughts and feelings.

I believe that everyone has the ability to create positive change. Through coaching, I will equip you with ​the tools and strategies to overcome obstacles and live your dream life.

about me

Hi, I’m Kayla. I’m a certified life coach through The Life Coach ​School. I’m passionate about life coaching & am dedicated ​to helping others live their best lives.

Before becoming certified, I went through many of the ​struggles and challenges that you may be facing now. While ​I am on the other side of many challenges, life is still 50/50, ​and I’m committed to using the tools of life coaching to ​maintain & expand my best life.

When I’m not coaching, I enjoy spending time with my ​boyfriend and our puppy in the beautiful state of Arizona.

ready to get started?

The best way to get started is to book your free con​n​ection call.

This is a completely free and no pressure conversation about whe​re you are in life right now, where you want to be, and the path t​o​ get there.

You will walk away from the call with tips and strategies to ​m​ove forward.

At the end of the call, if I can help you more and if you’re intereste​d, we’ll talk about what it would look like to continue work​ing together.

Frequently asked questions

  • Who is this for?
    • This is for men and women that want to feel better, overcome their challenges, and live their best life.
  • Who is this not for?
    • I do not work with
      • couples that want to be coached together
      • people that are currently in crisis
        • If you are in the US and currently in crisis or contemplating suicide, call or text 988.
        • If you are in the US and experiencing physical abuse or domestic violence, call 800-799-7233 or text ​88788.
        • If you are located outside of the US, look up your local hotline numbers.
  • Where do I have to be located?
    • As long as time zones allow, I work with clients internationally through zoom
  • How long are the sessions?
    • Sessions are 45 minutes
  • How long will it take for me to feel better?
    • Clients typically notice a shift in their awareness, mindset, and feelings in the first session. Results vary per client ​as coaching is a collaborative experience which includes your openness, willingness and readiness.

Email: hello@kaylalair.com

Connect with me on social

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